pukas-surf-surfboards-axel-lorentz-resin-cake-01 pukas-surf-surfboards-axel-lorentz-resin-cake-02 pukas-surf-surfboards-axel-lorentz-resin-cake-03

Originally designed for small waves, this board suits in a wide variety of conditions and is seriously fun. French beachies have been the inspiration source for the shaper Axel Lorentz .

The summer breeze and swell made him design a sof t entry rocker and wide nose providing easy paddle and an extra bit of f lotation. A fullconcave bottom f inishing to vee on the tail af fords plenty of speed without sacrif ying maneuverability. This board is fast, responsive and easy to surf with. Already a team favorite, a g reat tool for poor to average waves.

Fins  //  Quad

Tail  //  Round

Waves  //  The Resin Cake is meant to be ridden in soft beach breaks.

Resin Cake
